World-class incident responders are a strategic asset in today’s world where the frequency and sophistication of cyber security attacks continue to increase every year, as do the associated...
The risk of security incidents is only increasing each year with 2021 showing a record-breaking 5.1 billion records breached and an annual increase of attacks of 11%. Furthermore, the cost to...
The importance of well-managed communications when handling IT and security incidents cannot be overstated. If updates are not communicated in a timely and accurate manner, misunderstandings, ...
When a cyber incident hits, there are certain questions that are asked right away almost every time: When do I call my cyber insurance carrier, and do I just inform them or open a claim? When do I...
The managed security services market is booming. Coming in at $22.8 billion in 2021, it is projected to nearly double in just five years and grow to $43.7 billion by 2026. Moreover, cloud-based...
When considering the fact that 2020 was a record breaker in the number of cyberattacks that occurred and the resulting cost to organizations that was incurred, it is clear that the state of...
Much of the fuel for today’s business organizations is comprised of cloud computing and digital and SaaS applications. So, if something goes wrong with them, there will be a grave impact on...
Organizations today are more vulnerable than ever to cyberattacks and data breaches. Whether the attack is executed by an external actor or an insider, the unauthorized intrusion comes at a great...
Keeping up with customer demand and staying ahead of the competition requires fast releases and efficient code. This is where DevOps comes into play. Where DevOps is the practice, mindset, and...
No one is immune to data breaches It’s been noted that there are two types of organizations – those that have suffered a data breach, and those that will fall victim to a data breach sooner than...
If you strip the buzzwords and TLAs from the definition of DevOps? You’ll find that the roles and tasks involved aim mostly for more uptime and less downtime in the SDLC (software development...
IT incident management is a fundamental operational process designed to ensure rapid service restoration. This process is typically assigned to the help desk but is also very much entrenched in the...
What you need to know & do to be a world-class cyber incident responder
World-class incident responders are a strategic asset in today’s world where the frequency and sophistication of cyber security attacks continue to increase every year, as do the associated...